Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oh and don't forget...think the ta-ta's and go get em checked peeps.
I made this one pink to remind you!
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playing with some self portraits....
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My Favorite WEdding Couple

mels fav
Originally uploaded by **{{LisaLisaLisa}}**
Just a little wedding peek-see. I adore these two. Yes.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I've been remiss

Of course I've been taking photos but I have not been loading anything for you to see!

I've done some "sexy" shots of a friend, an engagement shoot, a back up set of photos at a wedding and more sittings with babies and kids. Busy busy.

Fall is here and I'm dying to see how the trees look this year with the wet summer we have had.
The photo you are seeing is from September 11th, 2008. The fourth leg of the "Tour of Missouri" bike race and wow was that amazing to shoot.
Happy Fall everyone!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Just a peek

I posted this on and it made it to Explore ....which in Flickr land means you are "good". It's really random but it makes a person "feel good" to find they have been on Explore. It's allegedly the cream of the crop. 500 people a day get chosen to represent the best of the best.


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I love Spring

I don't have much to post but I wanted to share this! Hope everyone is having a great day!


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Find your true North. Then confidently go in
that Direction
with all your Might.